There is nothing like a nice slice of freshly baked bread with a cup of tea during a well deserved break from Sunday chores. Today mine involved sorting out all my plants, pots, overflowing bag of potentially re-usable items ("Don't throw that away, i'm sure I can re-use it somehow") and clearing up my garden workstation! All of this has been bought on by the fact that I am moving out next week and need to get the most important things - mainly my plants - prepared for their relocation (those which are coming with me!). So, my main task was to pot together all my wayward herbs and lettuces, sort out pots of seeds which hadn't germinated and put away all the extra pots that had been collecting along the garden fence. Rather like a Spring clean but at the beginning of summer. Having done all this and taking much longer than i should have - blaming this on my mild OCD for pot organisation - it was time for afternoon tea accompanied by some nice wholesome bread (wholemeal with mixed seeds). With my plants now all ready for their journey eastward it is now time to move onto the bigger challenge of packing up everything else. Easier said than done for me the serial hoarder who believes everything can be re-used in some way.
A few tips for storing miscellaneous useful objects you don't want to throw away:
- Sort out all that you have and place smaller objects inside each other e.g. milk caps inside of yoghurt pots inside of butter tubs inside detergent boxes inside of cereal boxes
- Use random items to make a recycled mobile come scarecrow device for your veggie plot
- Decorate containers and use them around the house
- Compost anything biodegradable
- If all else fails put them in a bag and hide them in the cellar for a rainy day!
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