Assortment of dry seed pods and husks |
Broad beans shelled from dry pods |
Plant maracas, poppy seed heads |
There is nothing particularly difficult about seed saving, it all comes down to timing. Its best to wait for seed pods to dry on the plant and then collect them and store in old envelopes/paper bags/packets made from newspapers. If you are saving seeds from fruits like tomatoes, make sure to remove all the goopy bits and let the seeds dry out before storing as damp seeds will just rot.
Calendula seed husks and seeds |
As many plants are nearing the end of their seasonal life, it is the best time to start collecting their seeds now, so that you can build up a bit of store for next year. It's not just about planting them, seeds also have a many other beneficial uses. Many veg seeds are great edibles such as toasted sunflower and squash seeds make great nutritious snacks. Leftover dry beans can be soaked and cooked up in winter soups and casseroles. Herbs seeds like coriander are also great for using in cooking. I'm also going to use the poppy seed pods as decorations with other dry flowers.
So when you next venture out into the garden to pick flowers or harvest your veg spare a thought for those little seeds and start stashing them away to begin your own seed bank. In my opinion, it will be this years safest and most enjoyable investment!